For more than seventeen years BEAUTYPLAZA HEALTH & SPA in Russia is associated with the synthesis of thehighest intellect and innovational methods in appearance harmonization. Duringthis period the services rendered by it in the sphere of cosmetology, plasticsurgery and productive longevity became the benchmark and created the newapproach to the culture of appearance in the minds of its customers.
The fast development of the company is closely related to the names of itsmanagement – Professor Aleksandr Tepliashin, MD, and creativecosmetologist Nata Topchiashvili, Candidate of Medical Science. In 1999 BEAUTYPLAZA HEALTH & SPA was awarded with the highest European award – the GoldenArch of Europe and in 2004 the names of the company’s management were put inthe American encyclopedia WHO IS WHO, in 2006 – to the Great RussianEncyclopedia (volume 50).

Seventeen years ago we made a breakthrough in plastic surgery havingrefused from the use of silicone implants and offered biological implants (thatguarantee the absolute safety for health and maximal aesthetic result) to ourcustomers.
Sure of the fact that the beauty shall be safe we declared the followingslogan “Health, Aesthetics, Beauty” and created American Mammography Centerwhere our customers can undergo the top-quality examination and receive theconsultations from the best mammologists.
Looking only straight forward we assigned a new task – the beauty shall haveno scars and we were the first in Russia who applied and improved thetechnology of harmonic endoscopic face and body lift, face lift andblepharoplasty.

The author’s program of nonsurgical age correction developed by creativecosmetologist of BEAUTY PLAZA NataTopchiashvili made the dreams of many people come true – attractive appearancewithout surgery. The program helps to look 10-15 years younger without plastic surgery,i.e. without classic circular face lift, without incision blepharoplasty.
Professor Aleksandr Tepliashin created the empire of stem cells. His investigations that really decelerate the processof ageing and set the new young pace of live and energy for cells werepurchased in Europe and America. BEAUTY PLAZA HEALTH & SPA – the onlycompany that initiated an international project on sampling and storage of alltypes of cells in personal cell Banks.

Preserving all the types of cells responsible for normal functioning ofseparate systems of human body we preserve the health matrix. None canoverestimate the prospects opening in this relation.
BEAUTY PLAZA HEALTH & SPA – is the only company that proves thequality of its services by the issue of guarantee certificates of quality!
BEAUTY PLAZA HEALTH & SPA performs it activity in accordancewith medical licenses No. ЛО-77-01-000359 and No. ФС-99-01-005527 issued to Limited Liability Company “Beauty Plaza”.