Thread lift
At present we have a great experience in the application of threads for face and body lift. The most efficient and verified threads are Silhouette Lift, Tissulift , Aptos. These threads, although performing the similar functions, have different structure. Aptos threads are threads with cogs, that’s why they are less reliable than Silhouette Lift as they can tear apart at the place of cogs. That’s why we prefer Silhouette Lift and Tissulift threads. They appear to be integral threads with a chain of nods covered by cones of resorbable materials that provide the multipoint fixation of the material in the patient’s skin. The proximal edge of the thread is connected to a straight needle and the closes edge – to hemispheric needle. The permanent threads “pick” and lift the soft tissues.
Thread lift advantages:
1. Lift of eyebrows: the surgery is performed under local anesthesia through 0.5 cm incisions in the scalp;
2. Midface lift: the surgery is efficient in the patients of middle age without the significant excess skin. With the help of the surgery the nasolabial folds are smoothened and face oval gets clear contours;
3. Removal of cosmetic defects in case of facial paralysis. Using unilateral insertion of threads at the side of paralysis we efficiently remove the face asymmetry;
4. Gill removal: using the insertion of threads in the area of neck we create the frame that removes the sagging soft tissues;
5. Buttocks lift: the surgery removes the sagging buttocks and creates the necessary volume. The surgery is recommended for the patients with different stages of ptosis in case of reluctance to insert implants. Performed under the local anesthesia through 2 cm incision in the fold between the buttocks;
6. Lift of the soft tissues of the anterior abdominal wall: recommended in case of insignificant degree of abdominal skin sagginess and in case of absence of cellulocutaneous curtain. Efficiently removes the sagging skin over the omphalos, creates the frame thus making the belly skin look more elastic;
7. Lift of internal hip surface: the surgery is performed in case of sagginess and ptosis of the soft tissues of the internal hip surface.
Fibrolift® is the matter of specific attention. It is the method for insertion of biothreads treated with the patient’s own fibroblasts with a perfect effect of the lift of regions of the face, neck, buttocks and hips. The uniqueness of Fibrolift® of BEAUTY PLAZA lies in the fact that fibrothreads are inserted in the tissue structures damaged by age and start to produce own collagen and elastin immediately thus providing the structural skin rejuvenation along with lift effect. We can call it two-in-one, lift and youth in one pack but we call it a good job!