Nose shape — one of the most important aspects in appearance harmonization.
Dissatisfaction with nose shape (both inborn and trauma consequence) on the background of other aesthetic prosperity can be a serious obstacle for the achievement of the harmony of face and life quality. The consultation provides the possibility to determine all the aspects of the existing deformation and peculiarities of the planned surgery; the computer simulation of the supposed aesthetic result is also performed.

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We are very proud of the technology of nonsurgical nose length and shape correction developed by BEAUTY PLAZA. But it is another story and the following website is dedicated to this issue www.fantasticnos.ru

Surgery can change the separate parts of the nose or the whole nose, not speaking about reconstructive kinds of rhinoplasty. These are the aspects affecting the scope of surgery and, correspondingly, duration and nature of rehabilitation period. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia in the conditions of inpatient department and, depending on its scope, can take from 30 min to 1 h. The permanent wearing of splint is obligatory for 9 days after the surgery.
We are very proud of the technology of nonsurgical nose length and shape correction developed by BEAUTY PLAZA. But it is another story and the following website is dedicated to this issue www.fantasticnos.ru.
Rhinoplasty of Toni Braxton
Effective addition to her natural charm.
Main purpose of the plastic surgery is the transformation of one’s appearance with preservation of individuality. Such result can be achieved not by all masters of aesthetic medicine and not in all patients. Very often even a master degree surgery can become a disappointment as it leads to significant changes in appearance. Especially such plastic surgery is bad for celebrities who is loved by the public although having not ideal but so close to one’s heart features.
Toni Braxton is among those patients who can be proud of the work of their plastic surgeon. Her rhinoplasty is a clear example of great surgeon’s skill that surprised not only her fans but the representatives of the sphere of plastic surgery too. Braxton and her ideal nose is the demonstration of the fact that you can become even more beautiful with the help of aesthetic medicine.
Rhinoplasty was the first experience of R’n’B star in the world of plastic surgery. Toni, according to her words, was dissatisfied with her profile. Although a bit wide nose with small crook did not worsened her attractive appearance Braxton decided to remove this defect. The creative nature of Toni Braxton cried for perfection in each detail in order to dedicate herself to her labor of love without distraction to external irritatorsу. That’s why she took the decision on rhinoplasty undoubtedly.
The nose correction was more than successful. After a short recovery period the public was able to see a new striking image of Braxton. The singer loved by everyone lost no features of her gorgeous appearance and just highlighted her perfection by small and elegant nose.
Aesthetic surgery professionals call the new profile of the celebrity a work of art. Based on their experience the professional assure that such delicate work of a surgeon reflected in such corrected shape and lines is not frequent. It appears that Braxton understands it so she is not shy to tell everyone about this surgery.

The new nose of a French star Patricia Kaas
Many famous people are prone to connect the decline in their popularity with age-related changes. Like when the face gets older and wrinkles appear the fans switch to loving of a younger and more beautiful celebrity even if it is not as talented as the old one. Such retreat to the second position creates the whole bunch of appearance defects that could not be seen in the times of glory and popularity. And now the only way to return the public love is the help of aesthetic medicine.
They say that namely the declining popularity of a French legend Patricia Kaas made her come to a plastic surgeon. The singer found a defect that had not been the matter of concern for her previously – her nose. It appears that the star decided that it was the root of all evil, so the legendary French singer who had not been seen among the lovers of aesthetic medicine came for rhinoplasty. We can’t say that her decision to change the nose shape was ungrounded or vain. Rhinoplasty was good for her image and it is noted not only by her fans but the specialists of aesthetic medicine too. The plastic surgeon performed a great job and completed the assigned task. The singer who is more than 50 years of age still looks striking.
Small change of the nose shape added to Patricia Kaas’ profile with specific delicateness of shape. The face of this legendary star got sophistication, softness and became more feminine. It must be noted that Patricia became to look some years younger. What is more important is that her nose looks very natural and complies with the singer’s common image.
To tell the truth many sources say that namely the rhinoplasty of Kaas was a coercive measure and not a whim of the star losing her popularity. The singer met with a car accident that caused the fracture of the nose dorsum. Namely this trauma was the reason for the application for the services of a plastic surgeon. And the result is a new beautiful nose without any traces of the accident. However, the fact remains: the rhinoplasty took place and it was success. Nowadays the legendary star continues to shine, please with her creative work and enslave men’s hearts.

A real royal nose of princess Leticia
Going towards beauty and perfection by aesthetic medicine is a method applied by our contemporaries of any sex or status. Among them are celebrities, public persons and usual people. Even members of royal families! It is not surprising that celebrities that are always followed by paparazzi and in focus of the world’s attention shall look 100% perfect.
Among the famous patients of plastic surgery clinics who underwent rhinoplasty successfully is a princess of Spain Leticia. The spouse of Crown Prince Felipe had a very attractive appearance and quite cute nose that looked heavy on the background of her aristocratic features due to its size, big tip and “strict” nose bridge. Possibly, this was a matter of concern for Leticia as she decided to correct the nose shape.
After the surgery the changes in the princess’ face were still visible. In order to avoid gossip and flattery the Spanish Royal Household made a statement that Leticia’s rhinoplasty was a last-evil solution due to her health condition. Allegedly the princess had breathing problems due to deflected septum. The princess hesitated for a long time weighing pros and contras before she decided to undergo surgery. However, health concerns outweighed all hesitations.
Whether it was a decision on the name of health or just a female weakness, the people of Spain and plastic surgery specialists appreciated the transformation of Leticia’s profile. We don’t know if the problem with breathing was really solved but the aesthetic result was tremendous. The plastic surgeon provided her with a really royal profile – sure, he was responsible for the face of Spain. Leticia’s nose was reduced in size a bit, it received correct lines and accurate and distinct tip. The new profile highlights her noble and charmingly sophisticated features.

* The price of
rhinoplasty and nonsurgical nose shape and length correction you can find in section "Beauty Plaza