High Buttocks
The most distributed and verified correction method for the correction of these problem regions is the insert of specific implants designed for the restoration of the volume of gluteus and calf muscles. The implants of buttocks have the same shape as the real buttocks thus providing the required shape and volume of this part of the body and making great changes in the patient’s figure.

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American neurologist Benjamin Hayden, referring to the results of brain activity measurement confirmed that feminine buttocks draws attention of men. At this moment the level of endorphins is sometimes so high that men can hardly control their reactions. For example, they start to smile beatifically…

Implants of calf muscles can solve at least two problems. The first is the shape of legs as the increase in volume of the internal part of a calf muscle allows the visual correction of shank bending and the second is the volume of shanks that hardly can be corrected by physical exercises and that can create significant aesthetic problems.
Prior to the surgery at the consultation we discuss the supposed shape of shanks as depending on the patient’s anatomy using the accurate selection of implants we can get almost any shape required.
During the implantation of buttocks we make an incision in the fold between buttocks, during the implantations of shanks we make a 3 cm approach under poplietal space. Depending on the patient’s anatomy the implant is inserted either under fascia or under the muscle. Surgery takes 1.5-2 h and rehabilitation period just 2-3 weeks. During the first week after the surgery it is not recommended to sit and lie on the back. For more convenience you can use a rubber ring placed under the buttocks. Thanks to wearing of special compression garments the puffiness takes little time.
The surgeries are performed under peridural anesthesia thus minimizing the discomfort at early after-surgery period and rehabilitation program of physiotherapeutic programs allows the return to the usual way of life as soon as possible.
For those who wants to have an ideal shape of buttocks and shanks without surgery there are new favorites of volume lift BIOCELL, VOLUMELIFT and MACROLANE preparations for additional internal volume of the tissues. Special injections based on high viscosity hyaluronic acid provide an immediate and absolutely predictable effect in accordance with the results of the discussion during the consultation. The procedure is performed in outpatient conditions not requiring the restoration period. The result is visible immediately. The preparations remain active in the tissues for 3-5 years; the procedure can be repeated at any time. The same method can be used for the correction of breast shape.
* Prices on plastic surgery you can see in section "Beauty Plaza