Biological revitalization
One of the methods that helps to maintain your appearance up to the mark is biological revitalization.
Comment of Nata Topchiashvili, Candidate of Medical Science, cosmetologist: “Our patients are perfectionists in everything that concerns their appearance: having obtained an ideal oval and shape of the face with the help of internal lift SMAS® or endoscopic technologies, having made their skin ideal with the help of the structural coherent lift® or laser rejuvenation Ultrafine®, they continue to maintain the achieved result with the help of biological revitalization. And the result speaks of itself!”

Biological revitalization is the procedure of administration of active substances that provides the rejuvenation of the skin of face, neck, neckline and body in the shortest terms. As a rule, during the biological revitalization we apply the preparations of hyaluronic acid with different degree of viscosity. The selection of a certain preparation depends on the problem under the consideration, namely:
dry and dehydrated skin of face and body;
spongy skin;
loose and fading skin;
high sebaceous activity;
degradation of skin color;
prevention of ageing in young patients;
dark circles under eyes;
problem skin;
prevention of photoageing, etc.
Biological revitalization using high quality nonstabilized hyaluronic acid from the best world manufacturers is charactherized by efficacy and fast revitalization of result. Also this method can solve several problems at a time. It restores skin humidity, stimulates fibroblasts, collagen and elastin production and it is a perfect antioxidant. The course, as a rule, consists of 2-4 procedures with 1 week interval. Consulting the specialists is obligatory.