It is possible to lose weight with little effort and without terrible desire to eat after one look at pies and desserts thanks to the unique Danish technology of systematic medication weight loss.
The technology is based on a certain regimen of administration of a special Danish preparation that causes the progressive disgust for the consumption of food containing carbohydrates. The systematic refusal of carbohydrates consumption causes the development of new needs and habits, the organism is gradually rebuilt: digestive system and metabolism. The patients start to lose weight in a smooth manner. As the weight loss is related not to some diet but to the changes in the whole system of food consumption and global approach to eating than the effect of such treatment is preserved almost for a lifetime and weight does not restore.
Prior to the start of treatment the patient shall undergo medical tests according with the results of which the metabolism type will be detected. Taking this into account the patient is issued with an injectable preparation for 1 month. It is easy to deal with the preparation at home. The pack contains one syringe with needles and substance inside. The construction of the syringe allows the dose control and correction in the process of treatment. The injections as a rule are made superficially in the abdomen region. One month after the patient comes for a reexamination and in accordance with the results of weight loss (weight loss for one month can be 6-10 kg) and the strategy of the further weight loss process is being adjusted.
This technology is represented in BEAUTY PLAZA for more than 3 years and according to the statistics we have positive effect in more than one thousand patients. According to the data of research for one course of treatment (on average the data of treatment for one month were subjected to analysis):
60% of patients have weight loss up to 11 kg
32% of patients have weight loss up to 7 kg
8% of patients had weight loss up to 5 kg
In the group of patients who combined the medication weight loss with apparatus procedures for body correction DOUBLELIFT® BODY, SMARTLIFT®, SMARTVOLUME® the patients obtained the effect of significant weight loss and simultaneous reduction of excess fat in local problem regions with the effect of strong skin lift.
The diet experts risk to be in dry dock!
Похудание без диет
Довольно внушительный процент людей во всем мире страдает от избыточного веса. Для многих проблема полноты и далеких от желаемых параметров фигуры является приоритетной. Чтобы сбросить лишние килограммы, одни женщины и мужчины вынуждены изнурять себя постоянными ограничениями в питании и тренировками, в то время как другие вовсе не испытывают в этом необходимости. Они выбрали более рациональный и действенный метод – похудание без диет и физических нагрузок, успевшее достойно заявить о себе показательными и надежными результатами.
Эффективное похудание
В наше время существует большое количество методов избавления от излишнего веса. Это диеты, спорт, таблетки, хирургическое вмешательство, в конце концов. Но на самом деле правильное похудание возможно не только такими способами. Многие диетологи считают, что снижение аппетита способно грамотно и быстро решить проблему избыточных килограммов. Если человек не захочет есть, то и диета не доставит ему никаких трудностей и дискомфортных ощущений.
В клинике Beauty Plaza на протяжении нескольких лет практикуется метод введения пациентам специального датского препарата, который способен контролировать аппетит. Результаты заметны уже через неделю. Такой процесс борьбы с чрезмерной массой тела – не наносящий урон здоровью и психике, и представляет собой эффективное похудание.
Здоровое похудание
Главная цель датского препарата – вызвать, так сказать, отвращение к углеводам. То есть, пациент не будет испытывать влечение к тортикам, булочкам, хлебу и другой вредной для фигуры углеводной пище. Ведь именно эта составляющая рациона и дает все те лишние килограммы, с которыми приходится бороться. Таким образом, осуществляется здоровое похудание без изнурительного воздействия. Организм постепенно будет очищаться, улучшится пищеварение, обмен веществ, а здоровая пища заменит способствующие полноте углеводы.
Перед тем как приступить к введению препарата, необходимо сдать определенные анализы. Тщательно проверяется тип обмена веществ пациента, и, исходя из полученных данных, специалист может назначить экспресс похудание по индивидуальному плану. На протяжении всего курса избавления от лишнего веса за здоровьем клиента, изменениями в его организме будет наблюдать врач, отмечая результаты и корректируя при необходимости программу.
Препарат, используемый для коррекции массы тела, имеет уникальный состав, способствующий реакции отвращения к еде. При его вводе внутрь организма действие начинается и развивается постепенно, что не вызывает резких изменений в состоянии пациента. Вводится средство при помощи иглы в область живота. Под воздействием естественных процессов, направляемых препаратом в нужное русло, и осуществляется вожделенное похудание. Фото до и после проведенного курса, а также последующие обследования клиентов доказывают действенность и безопасность практикуемой методики борьбы с лишними килограммами.
Результаты похудания без диет
Метод, предполагающий быстрое похудание без диет и физических нагрузок, позволяет в достаточно короткие сроки и без особых трудностей избавиться от избыточного веса. Результаты могут зависеть от индивидуальных особенностей организма. Но те пациенты, которые уже опробовали препарат от Beauty Plaza, смогли сбросить за месяц от пяти до одиннадцати килограмм. И это уже более тысячи человек за три года. Комплексный подход к проблеме обеспечивает пропорциональное похудание лица, убирает дряблую кожу и корректирует фигуру.
У многих есть, так называемые, проблемные зоны, воздействие на которые всевозможных диет и упражнений не всегда дает желаемый результат. Эти изъяны тела бросаются в глаза и заставляют испытывать дискомфорт, вызывают комплексы. Методика клиники Beauty Plaza осуществляет правильное и действенное похудание ног, рук, живота, ягодиц и других проблемных участков. Помимо обретения желаемых форм препаратный курс в комплексе с аппаратными процедурами способствует эстетическому преобразованию: корректируемые зоны становятся гладкими и подтянутыми, словно после
Введение препарата для борьбы с лишним весом одинаково достойно демонстрирует себя как с прекрасными представительницами, так и с представителями сильного пола. Похудание для мужчин немного отличается от женской программы в силу определенных особенностей организма. Мужские претензии к телосложению с избыточной массой чаще всего относятся к животу и области груди. Стратегия коррекции фигуры разрабатывается индивидуально с учетом требуемого итога.
Медикаментозная методика заявляет о себе исключительно как эффективное средство со стабильным результатом. Отношение к пище пациента, испробовавшего препаратное похудание, до и после коррекционных мероприятий претерпевает значительные изменения. Этот факт позволяет гарантировать практически пожизненный эффект проведенных процедур – т.е. потерянные килограммы назад не вернутся.
Разработанное по датской технологии похудание, фото действия которого красноречиво свидетельствуют о его эффективности, можно назвать успешным. Очевидные и не редко весьма внушительные показатели пациенты демонстрируют уже после недели введения препарата. Быстрое похудание с клиникой Beauty Plaza возможно для любого человека, который верит в себя и в результат. А последний, оправдав надежды, позволит человеку без ненавистных килограммов и комплексов повысить самооценку, открыть себя заново, пробудить интерес к активной и насыщенной жизни.
Losing weight with celebrities
In contrast to us, common people, the celebrities are almost permanently under a focused attention. Cameras, captious eyes of critics, adoration of fans and envious eyes of colleagues. You can’t hide neither piquant issues of your personal life nor excess kilograms or centimeters in waist as it becomes the known to the public. And every celebrity is the person of flesh and blood who is subjected to weight fluctuations too. So the celebrities in order to avoid being discussed by the public and journalists without particular reason have to struggle for a perfect body. It is difficult to find among our celebrities those with a natural talent to stay in the perfect shape. According to the celebrities their beauty and slenderness is an everyday hard self-cultivation. Each of them has own secrets of attractiveness, means for being slender and weight loss methods. Some of them stand for the healthy way of life and weight loss without diets, some of them are healthy nutrition and fitness zealots, some of them fond of the modern methods by popular diet experts and some of them undergo untraditional and sometimes strange methods of weight loss. Very often the celebrities share their proven secrets of slenderness with the public: diets, nutrition plans, complexes of exercises and other tricks. So they open their secrets of perfection to us who are delighted by their perfect shape and who want to have the same ideal body. And although we have no changes of shining on the screens, concert venues or podiums we have the brilliant possibility to test the recipes of slenderness and beauty of our celebrities. So, losing weight correctly with celebrities.
Frequently among the representatives of the celebrities’ world we can see those who are not fond of “abusing” their organism by strict limits in food, strict diets or sweaty exercises in the gym. Healthy nutrition is the basis of perfect shape for them. It is an integral part of their lives and it is their formula of perfect shape.

Julia Roberts made a bet on sea products and she was success. Fish has a peculiar place in her ration. According to her diet system even fatty fish can be present as the accent is made on the cooking method. The actress rejects fried food, she eats only boiled or steamed one. Of course you can’t lose weight immediately or fast using this system. However, the person losing weight without significant stress for the organism and harm for the health slowly and steadily will obtain the reliable effect for the whole life. What concerns English model and actress Elizabeth Hurley than she is an example of her ancestors’ experience who consumed only natural products that had a positive effect on their body shape. Her diet includes meat and fish, mushrooms, vegetables and berries. As you can see, she has no strict limits. The main condition is the absence of semi-finished products and food additives. The results of such nutrition system are clearly visible – her body shape is perfect during her whole career. The next category of celebrities is not ready to have rough time in the name of beauty so they select the reliable method of weight loss based on healthy nutrition, although this method is not the fastest one. To the present day the most popular diet in this trend among Hollywood celebrities is Atkins diet. It is a nutrition system with low carbohydrate content without limitation of fats and proteins for the organism. It is considered that carbohydrates are responsible for hunger so their absence will be the grounds for moderate food consumption and, consequently, perfect body shape.
Among the followers of this weight loss method are the star of Friends sit-com Jennifer Aniston, Oscar-winning Renee Zelwegger, ex-Spice Girls Geri Halliwell and even Brad Pitt. Looking at them it is easy to see the effect. To tell the truth the nutrition system developed by Atkins is not that harmless so you should apply it only after the consultation with a specialist and follow it under the regular medical supervision. As to say, some national counterpart of the aforementioned method is Kremlin diet. One time it was very popular among the representatives of Russian celebrities. Positive responses were heard from Larisa Dolina and Marina Diuzheva, Aleksandr Panayotov and Nikolai Rastorguyev. There is a tale going about that this diet help ex-major of the Russian capital Yuri Luzhkov to lose 15 kg and get perfect shape we can still see. Healthy and correct nutrition, of course, pays off. Still, not everybody has enough patience and strength of will to deny oneself some cooking pleasures. Moreover, sometimes it is not even necessary.

Especially when the natural body structure allows you to have a rest sometimes and pamper yourself with delicious food. And to correct the consequences of such rest there are faster methods of weight loss of the similar efficacy. Actress and singer Lindsay Lohan has a fast-acting diet consisting of juices and fresh fruits. The celebrity affirms that a glass of natural juice in the morning plus half a kilo of favorite fruits for dinner and supper make you lose five kilograms per week. The personal achievement of the celebrity in using this method of fast weight losing is minus 11 kg for 7 days.
When Heidi Klum needed to lose weight fast she got on cabbage diet. The podium star eats only sauerkraut as much as she wants. What concerns drinks than during this period sugarless green tea and still water shall be preferred. And the result won’t be long in coming.
There are fast methods of weight loss of our celebrities. So, Tina Kandelaki after holiday tables launches her favorite 3-day diet. The first day food ration consists of apples and ginger tea, the second day – buckwheat porridge and ginger tea, the third day – rice and ginger tea. According to her words this diet helps to lose 3-6 kg.
It is good when you have time for body shape correction as you can it sauerkraut or buckwheat porridge for a week. But what to do if tomorrow you are walking on the red carpet and your evening dress is a bit small for you? Fasting days help to celebrities to solve this problem. Nicole Kidman and Nastya Kamenskih in this case give up eating and consume only water, fruit juices or herbal teas. Lady Gaga is extravagant not only in her images but in her fast weight loss methods too: the celebrity drinks her favorite whiskey instead of eating. Anita Tsoi prefers cucumber diet: two kilos of cucumbers and two liters of green tea per day. And the result is minus two or three kilos the next morning.
However, is it possible to lose weight without diets and limitation of food? The celebrities say yes! At present there are many means of weight loss not affecting your usual ration. These are trainings and breathing exercises, psychological effect means and weight loss pills, cosmetology procedures and plastic surgery. And the celebrities apply all the aforementioned methods.
The simplest variant of Kylie Minogue was to go to beauty clinic for the perfect body shape where the hands of plastic surgeons made her appearance ideal without any trouble for her. Gwyneth Paltrow says that her slender body is the effect of a unique acupuncture method. Sarah Jessica Parker could lose ten kilos gained during pregnancy thanks to the care of her brother and personal trainer who made her walk a lot and exercise her belly and buttocks for 1.5 h per day. Gluc’oZa loses weight and maintains her shape with the help of water aerobics, cardio and pilates that is very popular now.
Pop queen Madonna is the trendsetter of Hollywood in what concerns yoga. Ashtanga yoga system preferred by the singer is one of the most weight losing exercises. It comprises of elements of aerobics and breathing exercises. Among the adherents of different yoga methods are actress Nina Dobrev, actress Rachel McAdams, singer Lady Gaga and model Gisele Bundchen. Among our compatriots devoted to yoga we can mention Valeria, Zhanna Friske, Slava and Irina Nelson and Victoria Bonya. After one look at any of them you will have no doubt that Indian philosophy on the harmony of spirit and body works when focusing on slenderness.
As we can see the celebrities who inspire wonder in us and make us envy due to their ability to be in a perfect shape at all times choose easily accessible means of weight loss. Все их секреты красоты и стройности, борьбы с лишними килограммами и сантиметрами вполне подвластны любому из нас. А богатство методов снижения веса позволяет выбрать для себя наиболее приемлемый и эффективный.
However, it shall be kept in mind that any weight loss method is a stress for organism. That’s why every celebrity is supported by healthcare professionals, diet experts, coaches or gurus in order to prevent harm to the health during struggling for a perfect body. Wish, perseverance, self-cultivation and compliance with the recommendations of specialists is the recipe to achieve your goals and shine with healthy slenderness as your idols.