Nonsurgical face lift
BEAUTY PLAZA® along with biophysicists of the University of Massachusetts researched the biophysical structure of all layers of face tissues depending on the age, race and sex. Guided by the obtained data the scientists analyzed more than 1,5 mln results of nonsurgical age correction performed by various systems.

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The result: using the effect of ionized plaza of supersmall intensiveness PLAZMOLIFT™ stimulated the production of young (native) collagen and provides the total lift of the deep tissues of face and neck, skin lift and creation of the new strong tandem of skin and subcutaneous tissues and mobilized and lifted muscles. It removes mimic wrinkles of any volume and localization and provides immediate, clear and charming result. PLAZMOLIFT™ allows not only the restoration of oval architecture but sculpturing of the very face: cheekbones, lower jaw line, reduce the volume of cheeks and creation of the typical European type of face and figure.
Face rejuvenation procedure duration is 25 min, effect is preserved for up to 5 years.
Recommended: 1-2 visits.
Internal lift SMAS® - deep effect nonsurgical face and neck lift.
Principle of action: “needle” attachments provide multilayer and simultaneously network (diffuse) distribution of thermal energy thus leading to a momentary (or 3D) outburst of collagen on a big surface. The effect of reflecting wave is created that immediately “cover” the whole region of face, neck, neckline and hands on the depth up to 5 mm (SMAS level)
Result: Vibration in tissue molecules lead to heat emission; collagen fibers are spiraled and return the loose muscle, sagging subcutaneous fat tissue and derma to their places. Each tissue layer is treated with a special attachment: the areas of the upper and lower eyelids are systemically lifted, the midface is worked out, region of the upper and lower lips, nasolabial folds, gill, wrinkles and folds of any volume on face and body are removed. Momentary effect that increases within 3 days from the moment of procedure due to 70% improvement of collagen and elastin production in tissues.
Face rejuvenation procedure duration is 35 min. SMAS tissue structure has strong fixation properties that allows speaking of the effect not limited by time. It shall be noted that diffuse distribution of thermal energy help to prevent the trauma of neighboring soft tissues securing the absolute safety of internal lift.
Recommended: 1-2 visits. Rejuvenation effect for 10 years!
Internal lift SMAS ® - nonsurgical technology of simultaneous double lift and neck. First of all the face region is treated systematically with soft transition to the neck region, than by upward vector to the treatment of the face region with final fixation of the result. This is how the maximum effect of tensioning in the central and lower parts of the face. This method is especially crucial for those who wants to have a swan neck!
Double Lifting® - nonsurgical face and neck lift.
Principle of action: double diffuse distribution of energy provides the double energy consumption by deep muscular level of SMAS.
Indications: significant age-related changes, full deformation of the face oval architecture, severe tissue atrophy and elasticity defects, - indications for plastic surgery.
Result: the emitted energy not only reaches the muscular level of SMAS but creates microthermal channels in it where the active process of collagen reprogramming is initiated. The patients get a strong and expressed effect of face, neck and neckline lift comparable to that of the plastic surgery. The result is seen even during the procedure and gains its force within the first 5 days.
Face rejuvenation surgery duration is 40 min. The effect is preserved for 7 years.
Recommended: 1 visit
Read about our other service: radiofrequency lift.
Fibrolift® - the method of the injection of biothreads treated with the patient’s native fibroblasts with a perfect effect of face, neck, buttocks and hips lift. The uniqueness of Fibrolift® of BEAUTY PLAZA lies in the fact that fibrothreads are inserted in the tissue structures damaged by age and immediately start the production of native collagen and elastin thus providing the effect of structural skin rejuvenation in addition to the effect of lift. It can be called lift and youth, 2-in-1, but we call it a good job!