I want a slim face
It is known that slim faces are more expressive and look, as to say, more elegant. Moreover, the process of ageing is slower in them in comparison to chubby and roundish faces. The excess subcutaneous fat tissue directs the face lines downwards according to the law of gravitation leading to face oval defects.

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The Scientific Research Department of BEAUTY PLAZA created a unique preparation with injectable lipolysis factor with strong weight loss effect in the regions of the face and the body where it was administered for 3 days. Depending on the result you want to obtain the course consists of 1-2 visits with 10-14 das interval. After the first three days you will see the disappearing of chubby cheeks and pleasant slimming of face features.
In cases when we deal with the expressed subcutaneous fat tissue the dispersing injections are performed in combination with internal lift SMAS® or DOUBLELIFT™. Such duet has a double effect: weight loss and simultaneous lift, the tissues are lifted layer by layer, become strong and elastic. The face does not only become slim but gets fine tuned lines of cheekbones, lower jaw and chin.
The effect of such injections is pain-free and requires no rehabilitation.
The Scientific Research Department of BEAUTY PLAZA created a unique preparation with injectable lipolysis factor with strong weight loss effect in the regions of the face and the body where it is administered for 3 days.

The only thing necessary is a detailed consultation with a physician as the transformation of one’s appearance is a creative process and everyone sees oneself beautiful in other way. That’s why it is very important that a patient and a physician come to mutual understanding.
Pouty lips look sexual and not vulgar on slim faces and Angelina Jolie image is a clear example of this. Remember this if you decided to augment your lips with the help of special preparations. And vice versa, if your lips are naturally pouty than you can highlight this advantage of your appearance if you reduce the volume of the face a bit.
* The price of the procedures you can see in "Beauty plaza
Prices" section