Removal of Complications after Gel Injections
Devotion to fillers can have serious consequences we often face during consultations. The injected preparation migrates and condensates in tissues and leads to pigmentation.

In modern cosmetology there is a tendency of waiving the use of fillers. Mostly it is related to the appearance of such unique technologies as ULTRALIFT, PlazmoLift and internal lift SMAS that completely create the architecture of the face removing the problems in traditional areas of fillers administration – nasolabial folds, wrinkles of forehead and nose bridge. We think that the application of gels makes face doughy due to creation of additional volume in the midface thus accelerating face oval degradation.

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Devotion to fillers can have serious consequences we often face during consultations. The injected preparation migrates and condensates in tissues and leads to pigmentation. Our scientific department has developed a special preparation inhibiting the activity of fillers and dispersing the fibrous tissue around them. Depending on severity degree of the problem one or two visits with two weeks interval are recommended. The procedures require no special preparation or rehabilitation. They can be accompanied by the application of laser technologies that completely restore the aesthetics of skin in problematic regions.
* The price of the procedures you can see in "Beauty plaza
Prices" section