Laser Depilation
Of all depilation kinds existing in the world I prefer only one – famous American system LIGHT SHEER by COHERENT. For example, it is the only depilation procedure in Japan with a waiting list!

Unique depilation system Light Sheer is one of five famous laser devises created by American COHERENT corporate group together with NASA. Supported by Windows software it tests the ratio of hair pigment to skin pigment and selects ideal parameters of effect on hair follicles and emission type (photo, laser or mixed type) among the millions of natural combinations thus tremendously increasing the method efficacy in comparison to all other types of depilation and helping to remove hair of any color on any skin.
The American Academy of Dermatology headed by Professor Fitz Patrick based on 20 years of fundamental research called the LIGHT SHEER the only laser that removes the growth of undesired hair forever.
The built-in cooling system and sapphire optics of LIGHT SHEER makes the procedure of laser depilation absolutely painless and traceless as the skin temperature is automatically adjusted to fit the ideal conditions for depilation thanks to built-in CPG optics. LIGHT SHEER has no restrictions for skin type and suntan. It is also recommended to work with the skin of black people.
The LIGHT SHEER has conquered the world long time ago. In Japan where the women are crazy about skin without hair there are two waiting lists: one for those clinics who want to purchase the laser and the other for the customers who are ready to wait for three months to undergo this procedure and implements their dreams.
In accordance with the recommendations of Harvard professors who taught the specialists of BEAUTY PLAZA to work with laser technologies the creative approach to the procedures on famous lasers opens new possibilities in their applications. Doctors Irina Martynova and Olga Stepanova managed to arrange the procedure in such a way that simultaneously with hair removal the patients get a generous bonus – removal of capillaries and ideal smooth skin.
Secrets of star depilation
Looking at our idols shining from the screens, appearing on podiums and stages we frequently want to look the same as these successful and beautiful people. Despite the fact that the mother nature did not provide us with enough talent or the faith did not provide us with a chance to become famous, we can take a pattern by them, copy the perfection and strive for an ideal. Moreover, the famous persons share their small secrets very often.

I’m sure that everyone of us was thrilled by the striking legs of beautiful women of the celebrities’ world. Long, fine-tuned and shining as polished and without any sign of hair as it was never there. And when the inescapable paparazzi shoot the beautiful celebrities on the beaches we envy their ideal bikini area. It possible that they have some top secret procedures for long-term hair removal at their hands that help them to have that ideal perfect skin. Of course, the celebrities have special means for the support of their beauty, including efficient depilation methods. Despite their statuses, ratings and fees they remain usual people with hair. And this natural specifics of human body require serious actions as the smooth skin and absence of undesired hair in the region of axillae or on the face is a law for every modern woman and especially for those who are public persons shoot by numerous cameras.

The history of Hollywood celebrities is full of unpleasant moments when Internet or the pages of mass media demonstrated the photos of famous women with bristle hair or even long hair in the problem regions. The inescapable paparazzi will find out even unnoticeable appearance defects other than whiskers or bushy legs. Some shots of that kind contained the axillae of Julia Roberts and Drew Barrymore, belly of Cheryl Cole and groin of Amy Winehouse, legs of Celine Dion and hands of Alyssa Milano, the upper lip of Tyra Banks and chin of Courtney Love. And the public is not ready to forgive such faults to the idols of beauty and style walking on the red carpet and wearing haute couture dresses who are ready to undergo plastic surgeries in the name of beauty but who failed to care about a simple thing – hair depilation.
Hardly any of the celebrities would like to become an object of derision as a “bushy” star or get into the top of the public persons with messy appearance. So they fight day and night against hair on their bodies in order to avoid the attention of paparazzi. And those who were unlucky now will be accurate in the issues of their appearance and will not fail to visit a depilation center in right time.

But let’s get back to the celebrities’ secrets of smooth skin thanks to which our idols can be proud of their perfect appearance and make others envious. It is true that there are such secrets as every woman who looks after herself has them. However, the secret weapon providing efficient hair depilation is now available to everyone in almost all modern depilation shops. These are depilation by crèmes or razors, electric depilation and sugar depilation (sugaring), laser depilation and elos depilation. All of these methods are applied by the celebrities. And there are no magic or magic potions! To tell the truth the famous beauties cannot say categorically what depilation method is the best one without any reservations. Choosing this or that procedure for hair removal it is necessary to be guided not only by your own wish and experience of other people but take into account the individual peculiarities of your organism and skin, such as sensitivity, susceptibility to components, etc. And, of course, not every method suits for each depilation region. For example, enzyme depilation cannot be performed on the face. In this relation, in the list of procedures applied by the celebrities there are all existing methods of hair removal that are considered the best by a particular celebrity. And their appearance proves it.
Meanwhile, based on the words and responses of celebrities, laser depilation is very popular among them. It is a very efficient and quite painless procedure with a long-term effect. However, it doesn’t fit all: according to statistics only 70% of the patients who tried laser depilation continued to apply this method of hair removal. After the depilation the body is free from hair for some months and the number of growing hair is significantly reduced, they become thin, light and less visible.

Among the famous persons who are on laser depilation are Kardashian sisters. Kim and Khloe speak of this procedure with genuine pleasure as it helps them to get rid of dark hair on their body caused by their Armenian origin. The socialite declares that she is almost crazy about smooth and clear skin that’s why she performs the depilation of legs, hands, axillae, bikini, i.e. of the whole body unlike her sister. Television personality Hoda Kotb says that laser depilation is a real redemption taking into account her Arabic origin. Thanks to this procedure she can wear open clothers without hesitation and feel herself a really beautiful woman.
Persian beauty Lilly Ghalichi shared her impressions about laser depilation with the readers of her blog. She said that previously she used old school shaving and it creates lots of discomfort for her, caused irritation and made her feel uncomfortable in the public. And the procedure of laser depilation changed her vision of depilation. Lilly performs the depilation of axillae, bikini region and problem regions of the face and is very satisfied with the obtained result.
In the life of actress Alyssa Milano there was also the experience of laser depilation but, according to her, it was the most terrible experience in her life. As she said, she would prefer to make tattoos every day rather than undergo bikini laser depilation again.
It shall be noted than not only women are among the celebrities who prefer laser depilation. Smooth hairless chests of Brad Pitt and Daniel Craig are the result of this popular hair removal procedure. Rapper Kanye West let himself to be tempted by his beloved – the aforementioned Kim Kardashian and underwent laser depilation.
Biologic depilation is also very popular in the world of celebrities. This procedure can vary in the materials used – wax, honey and sugar – and it is very popular with the celebrities as a good method of undesired hair removal. The process, of course, is not pleasant but beauty knows no pain. For three or four weeks no undesired hair will be present and the newly grown are getting thinner and less visible. The brilliant results of such method are demonstrated by Lady Gaga who wears revealing clothes on the stage. The suits demonstrating bikini region require regular deep depilation, so in order to give a good account of her the singer always has her depilation master at hand. Such scrupulous attention to the perfect appearance of intimate regions earned respect in the public. In this connection sometimes even there are proposals to change the name of the intimate procedure for Lady Gaga depilation.
Rhianna is keeping with her colleague by the stage as she likes wearing small panties on the stage too. What is of peculiar interest is that the celebrity goes for the bikini depilation to the cosmetologists of senile age not speaking English and not familiar with her creative work. Thus the celebrity tries to protect herself from excessive attention during such critical activity being a usual customer for a cosmetologist. The onstage dresses of Beyonce become more revealing with the course of time so the public can estimate the effect of biological depilation. Opening her secrets of smooth skin the celebrity told that she uses only natural wax for hair removal and avoids fashionable procedures with colored and flavored materials as she is afraid of allergic reactions. Such Hollywood beauties as Victoria Backham, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston also like wax depilation. Actress and model Eva Longoria even said that she is not only feels comfortable after Brazilian was depilation but enjoys her sexual life too. I must add that the aforementioned Kardashian sisters prior to their acquaintance with laser depilation applied wax procedure for a long time. Courtney, the senior of sisters, boasts with her skill in Brazilian wax depilation that she many time demonstrated to her younger sisters. And Kim told in one of her interviews that she got to know about hot wax in her adolescence when she visited depilation salon in Beverley Hills together with her family.

The participants of Japanese travesty trio Yajima shared their secret with the public. These epatage stars use sugar depilation as this kind of depilation is more comfortable and sparing plus it fits all regions of the body – upper lip, chin, hands, legs or chest.
Among the male celebrities Matthew McConaughey shared his biological depilation experience. He had to pass through this painful procedure as a part of his role in Magic Mike film where he played striptease performer. The actor warned his colleagues not to agree for such torment that he remembered as the most terrible thing in his life. However, looking at Matthew’s perfect body in the film none can disagree that the effect of depilation is striking.
Our compatriot Marat Basharov who many times played women in films considers his relations with depilation funny. The actor is a very strong man and he sustained wax torture with due diligence. However, male nature of the actor became stronger than cosmetology tricks so he turned to shaving with razor instead of wax depilation.
By the way, let’s speak about shaving. Recently there has been a tendency of return to the traditional method of undesired hair removal. According to British cosmetologists the procedure with razor is healthier rather than modern depilation techniques. Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe are named as examples as they had straight razors in their beauty arsenal. I must say that they removed the undesired hair not only on their body but on their faces too. The specialists reassure women that in reality hair after such manipulations does not get thicker or darker – it’s just a fake. With the help of razor you remove the undesired hair and perform the effective peeling stimulating collagen production. Skin gets smoother, younger and shining. So many famous persons went to cosmetic salons to try the effect of the newly born depilation procedure. Well-groomed body and face, beautiful skin without undesired hair – these are the signs of neatness and elegance. Many public persons try to become an example of this so they adhere to modern cosmetology techniques. And now when we opened the secrets of star depilation we know that we can look as good as celebrities.
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* The price of the procedures you can see in "Beauty plaza Prices" section