Removal of the nasolabial folds

    This patient has an expressed subcutaneous fat tissue: chubby cheeks and gill. No surprise that this led to early defects of the face oval stipulated by the aforementioned genetic data of the patient and not by her age. Chubby faces lose their shape fast, that’s why the situation shall not be carried to a critical point.

    The nonsurgical correction program followed the aim of removal of the excess subcutaneous fat tissue thus decelerating the process of the face oval deformation and driving of the face vector upwards, creation of the lower jaw clear line, removal of the nasolabial folds and gill.

    Performed: one procedure of fat tissue lipolysis factor injection in the lower part of the face in combination with two procedures of internal face lift SMAS®. We treated her face and neck. All her transformations took just two weeks.