Клиника Beauty Plaza → О Beauty Plaza → Ароматы красоты

For the people wise in the issues of individuality the personal perfume means the unique symphony of scents that convey your energy, charm and implement your wishes. It is the aroma of memories about you that will be kept in the minds of many people.
That’s why BEAUTY PLAZA HEALTH & SPA® we opened the Gallery of Aromas and the keys from the Gallery we handed to the famous French perfumer Blaise Mautin who worked with the crowned heads of Europe, richest sheikhs of Arab Emirates, hotels BRISTOL and PARK HAYATT all over the world. He created wonderful perfume BEAUTY PLAZA® for us that we present to our customers with great pleasure. It is not only the aroma, it is a superconcentration natural perfume with unique composition created of expensive musk and natural ingredients manually collected for this perfume in Grasse. The aroma has a specific scent on any skin adds up to your own unique 3D pentahedral aroma molecule. “When I’m creating an aroma I always think that it will become a favorite aroma of a woman using it, that it will recall the image of this woman when she is absent and that this aroma will become a sign of success for her”, says Blaise Mautin. Individual aromas add the element of poetry and surprise to everyday routine. And it is the same as to have an attractive appearance or drive an expensive car. This service will be noticed by those who know the price of manual labor and irregularity.
Each aroma shall reflect the essence of the person’s character. That’s why it is very important for us to know your way of life, priorities, interests and dreams… The image created of the smallest details will give life to several aromas with different flavors among which you will select your unique one and even give it your name. The result of this hard work will be a very beautiful big vial, small one for your bag, refill and cute perfumed things for your bath.
A tremendous and memorable present to your sweetheart for the St. Valentine’s Day, to your parents for silver wedding or for your friend’s birthday. It is very pleasant to make presents to other people and yourself.
* Up to 3 months are required for the creation of your own aroma – 3 months of the hard work of the perfumer and assistants